Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Introduction to a Future Funky Pediatric Physical Therapist

Hello everyone!

My name is Bayan Abdallat. I know it sounds like a pretty complicated name to pronounce so you can just remember me with what my little sister has nicknamed me---Bayonce.

I was born in Jordan, a beautiful country in the Middle East. I am half-Jordanian, half-American. I was raised in Jordan until the age of 5. We then moved to Lebanon where I attended 1st grade there. We then moved to Oklahoma where my mother's family lives and I've been here ever since. We've gone back a few times to visit Jordan and I love that I'm able to do that (Link to more information about Jordan-My Favorite Place).

I am now a senior at OU, majoring in Health and Exercise Science (which contrary to popular belief, does NOT mean I'm majoring in jumping jacks or becoming a PE teacher!!). I hope to move on to become a pediatric physical therapist as I've always been able to get along well with kids and absolutely adore them. I hope to help make their lives easier, more manageable, and bring happiness to them.

I do have many hobbies!

I love to draw (mostly creating henna-like designs or sketches of cartoons).

A henna-like design with my name written in Arabic.
(Image Information: personal photo of art
photo from October 2014)

A henna-like design.
(Image Information: personal photo of art
photo from August 2014)

A drawing of a ninja turtle.
(Image Information: personal photo of art
photo from October 2015)

A sketch of an eye with dry-erase markers.
(Image Information: personal photo of art
photo from September 2015)

I also love, love, love soccer! I played in high school and I play recreationally every once in a while, setting up tournaments for my friends and I. Aside from soccer, I love watching almost any sport, except golf. I really enjoy soccer, football, and basketball. I am a big Sooner fan (of course), Thunder fan, and Green Bay Packers fan! I am what you would call absolutely sports-obsessed.

In the future, I'd love to travel the world. I would really like to visit France, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Greece, South Korea and so many more! I really want to try all the new foods, see all the entertainment, visit all the new shops, and experience new adventures.

My bucket list includes things like skydiving, bungee jumping, attending a Super Bowl, NBA All-Star Game, and World Cup (sports, sports, and more sports of course!) 

I hope I haven't you bored you with this long post but I hope this helped you all get to know me a little better!


A little something extra. One of my favorite videos. Enjoy!


  1. Hi Bayan! I loved reading your introduction. It was really interesting! I love your paintings! you are so talented. I would also love to travel the world too. I was actually born in Korea so I was excited to know that you would be interested in visiting. It is my favorite place to visit! I also enjoyed reading about your major. Your future career seems so interesting and rewarding.

  2. You have a really cool story! It sounds like you really know what you want to do in life which is always a plus. I really love kids, too. I grew up in a big family, so I'm excited to start one of my own. I wasn't born in any cool place like Jordan or Korea, but good ol' Bartlesville, Oklahoma. I love it though. And I'm sorry your Packers lost last week. I'm honestly just rooting against the Patriots this year.

  3. It is so cool that you are connected to Jordan, Bayan! I hope you will get to continue to make many more trips there in the future to keep that connection strong. And with a profession like pediatric PT you might have some wonderful opportunities to travel as part of your career too.

    Your drawings are BEAUTIFUL. Wow! As you may have seen already in some of the art from class, the Muslim art tradition is a big part of Indian art, especially in the Mughal period. Maybe you will find some art from India that will inspire you. If you are interested, you could explore this Wikipedia article to see more: 17th-century Mughal art (you'll even see some Ramayana paintings in there; just click on the thumbnails to see the full-size images) - so many beautiful things, which I am sure could inspire some funky art of your own! :-)

  4. Hey Bayan! It is very nice to meet you via the internet! It is so cool that you are from Jordan! I have been to a lot of different places in Europe (including France which was super fun!) and I just got back from Costa Rica. Central American was definitely a different experience. Jordan sounds like a place to put on the list!
    I love your drawings! I unfortunately was not born with the skill of drawing but I wish I was!

  5. Hi Bayan. You have a real talent for drawing! I like all of your designs that you posted and I cant believe that you created that eye with dry erase markers. It sounds like you are just as obsessed with sports as I am, but unlike you I love golf. It's great that you want to help children in you career and I bet you will be a great pediatric physical therapist. Thank you for sharing and it was nice to meet you.

  6. Bayan,

    That was a great introduction. In addition to just the basic facts and details about you, a lot of your personality came through your writing. I wish you had written more about what the transition from Jordan to Oklahoma had been like. It must have been very interesting. I also want to say, those were some great drawings. Everyone alwyas told me if I practiced I could get that good, but clearly you have a natural talent.


  7. Hi Bayan,

    Your drawings are absolutely beautiful. I always love how intricate and detailed henna designs are. Jordan always looks so beautiful in pictures. I would love to go there one day. Speaking of travel, you and I both want to visit Switzerland! I am not sure if you want to go for the same reasons I do though (I mainly want to eat a ton of the chocolate). It was really nice reading about you from this introduction and I look forward to getting to know you more throughout this class!

  8. Bayonce! I like that one ha. To respond to your comment really quick, Dez definitely caught that ball and we should've advance? Your bucket list items sound pretty similar to mine. I love soccer as well. Im a pretty big Man City fan, who's you're favorite? I also think thats really cool that you were born in Jordan and have been back a few times since moving to Oklahoma. As far as your drawings go, keep it up. You're very talented!


  9. Hi Bayan! I have been your friend for a long time know! I love your drawings I always saw you drawing in class. Especially these designs. They are awesome! I will admit it I tried drawing something like that and I failed. The detail you put into it is amazing. The eye drawing is really good! I use to be into drawing but I could never draw an eye like that!

  10. Bayan, it was great getting to know you. It was great getting to see some of your drawings! I am such a terrible artist so it’s great to see someone with such talent! Also, all of the places you want to go seem awesome. I especially want to go to Switzerland because I want to ski the Alps. I am a huge fan of soccer and want to attend the World Cub!

    It was really nice to reading about you!

  11. Hi Bayan! It is really cool to hear more about you. It is pretty cool you are from Jordan. One of my favorite basketball players spends his name in Jordan, Hakeem Olajuwon. I have met him many times because my Aunt is his personal assistant. I also think it is so cool you want to be a pediatric therapist. I hope everything goes good in your career path. I also love all kind of sports and yes golf was my favorite sport and watching can get boring but I really only watch the majors. Once again it was nice to hear about you. I hope you have a great semester.

  12. Hey Bayan,
    It is nice to meet you! Did you do those drawings? Those drawings are very wonderful. I wish you all the best on the arts that you create. Your bucket list is filled with adventures and sports, and I hope it comes true soon. Also, good luck for your career. You definitely should post some more of your drawings.

  13. You're little sister is very clever - Bayonce is a great nickname! I like that you incorperated a link to Jordan in this - I clicked it and loved all the pictures you used. I recognized the seven wonders picture - very neat! You're also a very talented artist! I'm sure you love to draw and create things with children. Sounds like you'll make a great pediatric physical therapist!

  14. Bayan, or “Bayonce” haha! I am surprised that this is the first time I have heard of a pediatric physical therapist but I am sure that this occupation is very needed. Kudos to you. Your drawing is amazing! I would love to know more about henna. I hope to some day travel to Jordan, especially after seeing you’re my Favorite Place Post.

    Nice to “meet” you,

  15. Hi Bayan! I absolutely adore your nickname, and I'm even a little jealous that you have such a cool nickname. I really enjoyed your favorite places post about Jordan. Since I've been studying Arabic, I have really, really, really, wanted to visit the country. Hopefully, someday I can visit the country and go to the places you highlighted in your post.

    I think your career goals are amazing. I would never have made the connection between HES and physical therapy for children, but I'm glad you did because that is such a wonderful thing for you to pursue. I actually know of this nonprofit organization that aims to provide a specialized exercise plan for adults and children with diabetes. If you are interesting in participating in their summer event, I would love to give you some more info.

    It's been great to meet you, and I look forward to reading some of your posts soon!

  16. Nice to meet you, Bayan!
    Your nickname cracked me up. Your sister seems cool, and you're a good sport for embracing it!
    It's so awesome that you want to work with kids! I agree that they are the best, and it's so admirable that you want to make their lives better.
    I love that you're into art! I used to be a pretty serious painter, but I haven't done a good job of keeping up with it since coming to college. I totally respect that you've made time to maintain that talent! And of course, Michelangelo is obviously the best ninja turtle, so congratulations on your superior taste. ;)

  17. Hey Bayan!

    It’s great to meet you! Wow that is so awesome that you are from Jordan. I always hear wonderful stories of that place from friends that have been before. I have never heard of a pediatric physical therapist, but it seems like it would be very rewarding to be able to help kids in that way. That’s so great you played soccer! Soccer was a huge part of my life growing up and I miss it a lot now since school takes over most of my time. The world cup is definitely on my bucket list as well haha. It was nice to meet you and best of luck with this semester!

  18. Hello Bayan!
    How neat to be from such interesting places. Congrats on being a senior! We are almost outta here! Sounds like you are going to be going all over the world in your pursuits of sports and travel!
    I love that you want to specialize in children's physical therapy. That is so kind to think about helping all those little cutie pie's out there!

  19. Hey Bayan!

    I love your nickname Bayoncé! That is so fun! I am jealous of your ability to travel! I love your list of places you want to go! Some of those are on my list as well but I also would love to go to Iceland, Italy, and England. I am also a senior in the Health and Exercise Program! I also love to work with kids and am hoping to be a pediatric occupational therapist! It was nice to meet you Bayan! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  20. Hi Bayoncé! I have to say I love your artwork especially the Henna art I would proudly display those on my wall. So creative and sports orientated, that's a dangerous combination(I mean that in the best way of course)! You have the best nickname ever.. Haha, I bust out laughing when I read it. What an amazing opportunity you had to travel to Jordan, I bet it is absolutely beautiful there.

  21. Hello Bayan,
    I really enjoyed your introduction. I found those henna designs really cool. And yes, I have gotten henna similar to those on my hands and those were great. It is great that you can actually draw those. Another thing, I liked it how your sister connected your name with Bayonce. I was knowing a little bit about you. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Hello Bayan, or should I say, Bayonce. I think your sister’s nickname for you is absolutely adorable. Your artistic skills are really good, you sure are talented. I love drawing eyes too but mine are never as good as yours. You are almost done with your senior year, how excited are you right now?! Congratulations and good luck with your future endevours!
